Job Decision Quiz
Helping you make decisions about your job and career situation.

Your Report

Good work - you've finished the hard part. Now, lets get into the results and most relevant feedback we're able to provide you based on your card sort.

Thank you for your effort and time using this tool to evaluate your dilemma.  You have likely faced some apprehension. That takes courage even if you're are not feeling courageous.

Remember that there are no right or wrong ways to sort the statements. Your sort represents a personal profile of where you are right now with respect to your job dilemma. All the results are based upon how you sorted the items today. You may wish to try the quiz again in a few weeks or months to see how things have shifted for you.

We want to assure you that your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we have taken steps to ensure that this content remains secure. We feel this is an essential element to allow you to conscientiously and honestly complete the exercise, and therefore gain the most meaning and benefit from this tool.

Key concepts in a dilemma regarding one's job and work environment:

It is common for people to get stuck in their decision-making process about their career because the personal issues are complex and the need to earn an income is vital to well-being and quality of life.

A person gets stuck when they have mixed feelings about their job. One part of them is reluctant to leave the status, camaraderie  and rewards that their current job provides. Yet another part of them may be unhappy with the situation, circumstances, and personal toll the job demands from them. 

The two parts of self that are in conflict with each other are referred to as the 'Head' and the 'Heart'.  The 'Head' is often concerned with the standards, values, beliefs and principles that the person holds.  These standards and values are usually expressed as rules to live by that are a reflection of the society, culture and family that a person grows up in. For instance, don't lie/cheat, be good to others, work hard.

The 'Heart' is often concerned with the wants, needs and emotions of the person.  There are basic wants and needs such as food, shelter and connection with others.  There are unique wants and needs that arise out of the personality of the individual as well.  Wants and needs are important. Not taking them into account can lead to difficulties.

Sometimes people have lost track of what their 'Heart' really wants and needs. When this happens, people often operate from their 'Head', using terms such as "should", "must", "have to", or "obligated to" to justify the decisions they make. When people do not know what they want and need themselves, they cannot be clear with their bosses, employees and co-workers.

Other times, people allow their 'Heart' to run away with them. In this case, it is easy to compromise your own standards and values to achieve some desire. It is typically when people allow themselves to prioritize a 'want' over a 'need' that they take actions that are potentially harmful, especially if it is illegal, to self or others.

Another reason people get stuck in their decision-making is their 'Head' and 'Heart' are locked in a struggle. You may have experienced the dilemma of one part of yourself wanting to remain in your job and another part wanting to leave it.  In other words, your 'Head' and 'Heart' are in conflict, and it may feel like you're at a stale-mate.

Resolving a Job Dilemma:

How do people resolve a job dilemma effectively? The simple answer is for them to change what happens between their 'Head' and their 'Heart'. To do this, both 'Head' and 'Heart' must be taken into account through a process of reflection, exploration and reconciliation. In short, resolution involves integrating standards & values with wants & needs. The more a person is able to achieve integration, the more likely they are to come up with a high quality decision and a clear path to a solution. Many people have commented that sorting through the Job Decision Quiz statements is hard but helpful. By doing the Job Decision Quiz, you have just put significant effort into sorting out what you think and feel and this is an important first step.

About Confidentiality:

Throughout the report we often recommend getting help from others, such as family, trustworthy friends, co-workers, bosses and others. In many cases, this works out well since people are often good resources.

However, one of the most important factors to know about seeking help from others is that they often do not keep your concerns confidential, and they are usually biased. This may cause you more problems. Also, afterwards, they may still hang onto what you said and did impacting your interactions with them. If confidentiality is a concern for you, we suggest you seek professional help. Throughout counselling with a professional, you are able to fully explore your issues, feelings and concerns, knowing they will remain confidential.

Emotional Clarity

Knowing your emotions is one factor contributing to your awareness of yourself. Feelings can be experienced as clear, definite and well-defined, as in "I'm disappointed I didn't get a raise this year". Feelings can also be experienced as vague and fuzzy, as in, "I'm feeling bad about my job." The more clearly you know your feelings, the better you know what your 'Heart' wants and needs, which will positively affect the decision you make about your job situation.